I am currently a researcher at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, where I manage the project "Truthmaking. Are Facts Still Really Indispensable?" (Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland, Program: Diamentowy Grant IX Edition 2020-2024, Budget: approx. 180K PLN/42K USD, Role: Principal Investigator)
I am also a doctoral student at the Jagiellonian University Doctoral School in the Humanities. I am working on a PhD thesis about the criticism of David Armstrong's standard theory of truthmaking over the past 20 years.
My area of specialization is contemporary analytic philosophy in the field of metaphysics. My research focuses on the theory of truthmaking (with a particular emphasis on the relation between the substantive and deflationary approaches to truthmaking) and the concept of fact.
My Publications
- Mzyk, B. (2024). Truthmaking. Are Facts Still Really Indispensable? Metaphysica, 25(1), 119-144.
- Mzyk, B. (2024). Two Concepts of Truthmaking: a Compatibilist Solution to the Controversy Between Substantive and Deflationary Approach. Acta Analytica, 39(3), 543-562.
- Mzyk, B. (2023). Non-maximalism Reconsidered: Truthmaking and the Dependence of Truths on Being Filozofia Nauki, 30(1).
- Mzyk, B. (2019). The phenomenological understanding of time by Roman Ingarden compared to McTaggart's A and B time series. In B. Kuklińska, M. Gudowska (Eds.), Między czasem a bezczasem (pp.53-60). Katedra Historii Sztuki Kościelnej i Muzealnictwa IHS KUL, ARTmagedon. [in Polish]
- Mzyk, B. (2018). Facts and senses. About the Indeterminacy of Reality. Maska, 39, 119-130. [in Polish]
- Mzyk, B. (2018). Moritz Geiger’s Postulate of Aesthetics as an Autonomous Science. The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, 49, 71-84.
- Mzyk, B. (2018). Aspects of freedom and enslavement in Hermann Schmitz's book New Phenomenology. Short Introduction. In A. Kampka, K. Masłowska, A. Pawłowska (Eds.), Co nas wyzwala, co nas zniewala? Młodzi o wolności (pp.21-30). Wydawnictwo SGGW. [in Polish]
My Talks
- Two Concepts of Facts: Categorial and Functional Approach to Truthmakers, The 2023 CPA Annual Meeting at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, Canada, May/June, 2023
- Non-Maximalism Reconsidered: Truthmaking and the Dependence of Truths on Being, 11th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP11), Vienna, Austria, August, 2023
- Two concepts of truthmaking: A pluralist solution to the controversy between deflationary and substantive truthmaking, The Eighth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang 2023), Łódź, Poland, May, 2023
- 20 years later: Is truthmaking still necessary? [in Polish], Open Scientific Meetings of the Department of Ontology of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, May, 2023
- Truthmaking. Are facts still really indispensable?, Symposium of the Jagiellonian University Doctoral School in the Humanities, Kraków, Poland, January, 2022 [online]
- Truthmaking and the new view of the nature of fact, How to do things with Wittgenstein: 2nd Edition. Philosophy & Beyond, Kraków, Poland, May, 2022
- Facts and three concepts of truthmaking, Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy (SOPhiA 2021), Salzburg, Austria, September, 2021
- Truthmaking. Are fact still really indispensable?, The Coimbra Group 3-Minute-Thesis Jagiellonian University contest [second place award], Kraków, Poland, 2021 [online]
- Truthmaking and levels of reality, Roman Ingarden and Our Times, Kraków, Poland, April, 2021 [online]
- Truthmaking as «guide to doing ontology» by D. M. Armstrong and D. Lewis [in Polish], Episteme, Lublin, Poland, December, 2020 [online]
- The phenomenological understanding of time by Roman Ingarden and McTaggart's A and B time series [in Polish], Czas: niepewność, dynamizm, przemiany, Lublin, Poland, April, 2018
- Becoming God in man by Max Scheler and the phenomenon of ritualization of life [in Polish], Mit - Religia - Nowoczesność: Cena emancypacji, Kraków, Poland, June, 2018
- Aspects of freedom and enslavement in Hermann Schmitz's book New Phenomenology. Short Introduction [in Polish], Co nas wyzwala, co nas zniewala?, Warsaw, Poland, April, 2017
- Phenomenology of time and its relativity [in Polish], Aspects of Time. Oblicza czasu, Kraków, Poland, December, 2016